Another display of Serbian kindness!!!!

28 Dec

Yesterday I was in the middle of Zrenjanin at 4PM….. I was contemplating taking a cab or a bus to Stijcevo…. a small village of about 2000 people. While walking through Zrenjanin I asked a tall young man and lady if they knew the price difference between a cab and a bus. He kissed his girlfriend and said “follow me”…. He walked up to a cab and told me to get in and he got in beside me. We took a 5 min cab ride to the main bus terminal in Zrenjanin. I got out and got out my wallet.. He said “no”!  We then walked into the bus terminal where he bought me  a ticket to my destination and said it would be leaving at 4:30PM.. He again would take ZERO money!!!! He said lets sit for one beer and bring in the new year together because I have never met an American. We sit down ordered two drinks and he once again FORBID me to pay!!!! I was totally touched and almost shed a tear over his unselfishness and kindness to a complete stranger!!!!! He said he has always been curious about how Americans were IN PERSON! The total he paid was probably about 600 dinars or $7 bucks but it totally touched me and helped me relive the reason I came to live here!!! It never costs anything to do something nice to a total stranger!!!!!

If you are reading this buddy, THANKS FOR TOUCHING MY HEART!!!!!  This is the 2nd day in a row someone has done something for me out of total love and indness…….. Serbian parents sure know how to raise their kids to be respectful and kind!!!!


Posted by on December 28, 2011 in Through my eyes


2 responses to “Another display of Serbian kindness!!!!

  1. Jovan

    December 28, 2011 at 5:49 pm

    Yes they do! 😀

  2. Ivan

    December 28, 2011 at 10:26 pm

    Amazing experience,truly!


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