Tag Archives: forgotten 500

We owe the Serbs some gratitude!!

Who knew about this?? Did our country or the rest of the world broadcast this?? No!!!

The Serb citizens and Serb guerilla fighters in Nazi controlled Yugoslavia hid, clothed, fed and risked their own lives protecting over 500 American troops that had been shot down over Yugoslavia. General Draza Mihailovich of the Serbian opposition fighters  worked with US military leadership to organize this huge, ultra- secret mission that ultimately allowed for the safe return home of 500 US service men.

This was the largest rescue mission in the history US military warfare but we only hear about the “Great Escape” that saved 200 US prisoners of war!! 300 more US troops were saved in this operation but we don’t hear about it!!! VERY SAD!!!! Google “Halyard Mission” for more information on this exciting mission!

General Draza Mihailovich  was eventually captured but the government refused to allow our service men to testify on his behalf and he was hung for treason. 😦

The troops told of the hospitality and kindness of the poor Serbians who kept them out of harms way! One troop talked about how little the Serbs had to offer but were more than willing to share!! This is the same experience I have had in Serbia!!!

Everyone stand and give the Serbs  a round of applause and the thanks deserve!!! Why did we turn our back on Serbia in the 90’s?? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm…..


Posted by on January 6, 2012 in Through my eyes


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